news: Tag: Live at the Globe

New Review for Live at the Globe (2018)
7 April 2024 - in
Here is a little extract of a new review for Live at the Globe, released 6 years ago!!
I just came across this excellent live and direct album from the English Moon Goose with their Live at the Globe 2018, and the best of all is that it lasts short, is instrumental and not boring, managed to catch me at first listen with such excellent musical ideas. Stop by to read this short review and learn more about Moon Goose, turn the damn volume up! 


Live at the Globe review
10 September 2018 - in
Nice review of our second EP Live at the Globe (still available) on Fuzzy Cracklins website.
“The sound quality of the live recording is really excellent. You might not know this was live if not for the applause and the sound of the fans at the club.”